
Resources liked

Recently liked by Tristan.

Du Chinese (mobile app for Chinese reading practice)

This is a reading app that contains a number of lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Apart from the reading material, there is also recorded (not synthesised) audio. The app al... Read more.

Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Tools-and-Apps Audio Simplified-Characters Text Traditional-Characters

7 1

Olle Linge about 9 years

Mandarin Companion (Chinese graded readers)

Mandarin Companion offers a series of graded readers for learners of Chinese. I haven't read all of them yet, but the two I have read have both been great. Considering that they use a very limited ... Read more.

Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Book Text

12 1

Olle Linge about 10 years

Hack Chinese - SRS platform for learning Chinese vocabulary online

Hack Chinese is an online tool that aims to solve one of the most pressing challenges faced by Chinese learners: memorizing vocabulary. It caters to non-beginner students who want to reach a high l... Read more.

Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Characters Online-Tool Paid SRS Web

2 1

Dariya about 4 years