Hacking Chinese Resources

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16 resources found.

Chinese Learn Online (CLO)

Learn Chinese Online with CLO - Go from absolute beginner to intermediate learner with our step by step, progressive audio lessons in Mandarin Chinese Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Listening Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Audio Course iOS Online-Tool Paid Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

5 0

Adam_CLO over 10 years

Non-fiction book summaries written in easier to understand Chinese (with audio)

I've taken some book summaries of interesting non-fiction books, rewritten them into simple English and had them translated into Chinese. This way, the vocabulary and grammar will be easier to unde... Read more.


Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Reading Resource-highlights Audio Book Web

4 1

Nick Dahlhoff almost 5 years

Simulated Tests of the New Chinese Proficiency Test HSK

Recommended and introduced by Trevor [here](http://www.hackingchinese.com/extensive-listening-challenge-october-2014-wrapping-up/#comment-646686). Each book (one for each level of the new HSK ex... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Listening Reading Resource-highlights Book Exam

4 1

Olle Linge almost 10 years

HSK 3.0 vocabulary list

This is a text file containing all the vocabulary for the new version of the HSK 3.0. Please note that this is not an official list and that it was created based on vocabulary in a book (汉语国际教育用词语声... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Simplified-Characters

3 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

电子课本网 (digital textbooks for native speakers)

Using textbooks written with the aim of teaching Chinese children about history, mathematics and biology can be great learning resources for adult foreigners as well. This website hosts hundreds an... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Reading Courses-and-textbooks Resource-collections Book Simplified-Characters Web

2 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

書法字典/书法字典 (Online calligraphy dictionary)

This website allows you to enter Chinese characters (simplified or traditional) to search for calligraphy references. A range of different examples of the character in question is shown (depending ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Tools-and-Apps Characters Dictionary Handwriting Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Web

2 2

Olle Linge almost 4 years


This site (originally a book) explains the difference between commonly mixed up (traditional) characters, published by Taiwan's Ministry of Education. As it says in the introduction, the main purpo... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Book Characters Traditional-Characters Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

Bigram frequencies and mutual information in Modern Chinese (Chinese Text Computing)

This tool gives you the most common bigrams found in news language or general fiction (choose which one). Note that a bigram isn't necessarily a word. For instance, 一个 isn't a word, but it's a very... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Research Web

2 0

Olle Linge over 9 years

Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass - Master the Art of Learning Chinese Characters

Mastering Chinese characters, whether you find them enchantingly beautiful or overwhelmingly complex, is essential for literacy in Chinese. Outlier Linguistics will help you understand how the Chin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Information-and-Advice Audio Characters Handwriting Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge 7 months

The Cozy Study

A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context General Language-learning Listening Reading Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Resource-highlights Tools-and-Apps Audio Blog Book Cantonese Game Literature Mobile Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters TV Web

1 0

花谢月令 8 months

A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese (Paul W. Kroll)

*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years


*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar (Edwin G. Pulleyblank)

*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Grammar Reading Courses-and-textbooks Book Classical-Chinese

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

现代汉语通用字笔顺规范电子书 (PRC authoritative stroke order for 7,000 Chinese characters)

This is a digital version of the official authoritative stroke order standard used in China. It is sorted by stroke and is not searchable, so it's a bit hard to use. Thus, other resources will ofte... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Book Dictionary Handwriting Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 3 years

Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects experimentally tested (Tang & van Heuven, 2009)

This is a research paper detailing a study of the mutual intelligibility of Chinese topolects. Dialects were sorted into groups and then it was experimentally tested how much of words and sentences... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Living-in-Chinese Resource-highlights Dialects Research

1 0

Olle Linge over 8 years

Jason D. Patent on "An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics" by Perry Link

This is a review of Perry Link's book about Chinese. This passage sums it up pretty well, and although I haven't read the book (yet), it's high on my list of books to get my hands on: "In writin... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Grammar Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Research Review

1 0

Olle Linge over 10 years