Hacking Chinese Resources

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132 resources found.

TutorMandarin: Online Mandarin Tutor

TutorMandarin is an online Chinese tutoring software and service. Students take 1-on-1 classes with professional Mandarin tutors on PC, Android, or iOS. Full courses from Beginner to Advanced, Spok... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Speaking Writing Courses-and-textbooks Android Course iOS Simplified-Characters Teaching

2 0

hanpingchinese about 7 years

國語一字多音審訂表 (List of variant character pronunciations, Taiwan standard)

This is a very large list of traditional characters with multiple pronunciations in the form of an Excel file (the other two files are announcements about the list in Chinese). The first sheet just... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Characters Pronunciation Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge about 9 years

Live the Language (Chinese Language School)

Self introduction: LTL Mandarin School offers Chinese language courses in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengde. The immersion courses are perfect for those who want to learn the language quickly and re... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate General Courses-and-textbooks

2 0

Olle Linge over 9 years

Those Chinese characters that are really easy to get mixed up (Fluent in Mandarin)

This is blog post listing easily confused characters. It's very helpful to see these next to each other since they are hard to keep separate if you only see them one by one. The selection is based ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Blog Simplified-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge over 9 years

PolyglotGamedev (Gaming vocabulary)

This is a very, very large document with thousands of translated gaming terms in 25 languages, including both simplified and traditional Chinese. It can be useful for learners who want to brush the... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Game

2 0

Olle Linge over 9 years

Starcraft 2 Mandarin (all unit voices in Chinese, YouTube)

This is a YouTube channel that contains all (?) audio from the units in the Chinese version of StarCraft 2. First, I think it's pretty cool that they've translated so thoroughly and such a large vo... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Resource-highlights Audio Game

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

A Radical View (radicals neatly grouped by theme from gotCharacters)

A neat overview of most of the radicals, grouped by meaning. Sold as a poster too! Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Simplified-Characters Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Bigram frequencies and mutual information in Modern Chinese (Chinese Text Computing)

This tool gives you the most common bigrams found in news language or general fiction (choose which one). Note that a bigram isn't necessarily a word. For instance, 一个 isn't a word, but it's a very... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Research Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

常用100個破音字 (Quiz of 100 common polyphonic characters)

This is a quiz of 100 common polyphonic characters in Chinese. A polyphonic character is a character that has more than one pronunciation. Through 100 sentences, this quiz asks you to fill in the r... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Resource-highlights Text Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years


DigMandarin offer several interesting resources for free. The blog is a mix of directly useful resources, such as vocabulary for certain situations, and information/inspiration on learning Mandarin... Read more.


Beginner General Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Blog Video

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下 (Under the Dome, documentary)

This is the Chinese documentary that has gone viral recently, discussing air pollution in China. This documentary is in Chinese with Chinese subtitles (simplified). Excellent reading and listening ... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio Text Video VPN-required

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Urban Dictionary Chinese

Urban Dictionary is a user-edited dictionary of colloquial language and slang. This is the Chinese edition. Words are usually explained in English, but sometimes only in Chinese. There are also exa... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Dictionary Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Quantifying Simplified Chinese

What can we say mathematically about the difference between simplified and traditional Chinese characters? This is an in-depth discussion about character simplification, the information content of ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Simplified-Characters Text Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Mandarin Chinese Phonetics Table

Another web-based resource with recorded audio for all syllables with all tones. You can also get the “spelling” of the syllable read to you, ie. Initial, final and then the whole syllable. Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Listening Speaking Resource-highlights Audio Pronunciation

2 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Mandarin HQ - Learn Basic Mandarin for Social, Travel and Work Situations

This site is a free resource for beginner learners of Mandarin who are looking to develop basic conversational ability for social, travel or work situations. It currently contains a small archive o... Read more.


Beginner General Courses-and-textbooks Video Web

2 0

BK over 10 years

Global Language Online Support System (with Chinese lessons)

This page offers several hundred lessons for Chinese about different topics, including both reading practice and listening. They also have some learning activities, including quizzes. I have tried ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Reading Courses-and-textbooks Audio Simplified-Characters Text

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

10 Simple Phrases for Improving Your Conversational Skills (Skritter Blog)

Every textbook should contain these (and some more) phrases. By learning some common sentences such as "how do I say this in Chinese", "can you please say that again" and so on, you can increase th... Read more.


Beginner Speaking Resource-highlights Blog

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Movie: 阳光灿烂的日子》In the Heat of the Sun

The film is set in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution. It is told from the perspective of Ma Xiaojun nicknamed Monkey who is a teenage boy at the time. Monkey and his friends are free to roam t... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights TV Video

2 0

Scott over 10 years

To Live 活着

To Live 活着 is a Chinese epic film directed by Zhang Yimou in 1994, starring Ge You, Gong Li, It's about a rich man who loses his fortune through a gambling addiction around the time of the civi... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Video

2 2

Scott over 10 years

A Comprehensive Guide to Euphemisms in Chinese and English (一步一个脚印)

This is a list of euphemisms in Chinese and English, sorted into 18 categories. It's probably not necessary to know how to say all these, but it's definitely useful to have heard them and understan... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

20140607 皇牌大放送 D-Day:水底的战场 诺曼底登陆70周年特辑 - YouTube

【节目简介】 《皇牌大放送》有大量的独家深度报道,凤凰专题团队获全球政治人物官方机构的许可,在此节目中推出独家专题片。 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio History Video

2 0

Zoe over 10 years

Radical list with colloquial names

This list of radicals is mostly the same as any other list of radicals, but with the important exception that this also includes the colloquial names of the radicals. This is very useful when you w... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

甘比亚大陆 - 虎扑篮球论坛

A Chinese discussion forum / social news site with discussions about almost everything. Good for reading about your particular interests or perhaps even participating in the discussions yourself. Read more.


Advanced Reading Writing Resource-highlights Social-learning Community Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

《时间都去哪儿了》 lyrics translation: Where Has the Time Gone? 英文翻译

"时间都去哪儿了 has been popular recently, especially since it was performed by 王铮亮 (Wáng Zhēngliàng) on 春晚. I thought I'd have a go at annotating it in English." Read more.


Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-highlights Video

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Earthly Branches (Sinoglot)

This article on Sinoglot describes the earthly branches, why they are useful and how to memorise them (using the fingers). Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Heavenly Stems (Sinoglot)

This article introduces the heavenly stems along with an interesting way to memorise them (using the fingers). It also deals briefly with why they are useful to know. The heavenly stems are quite u... Read more.


Advanced Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

弦子 - 逆風的薔薇

As far as I know, this isn’t the kind of music 弦子 is typically associated with (I’ve checked some of the other albums and didn’t like them at all). This song is quite good, though, even though her ... Read more.


Intermediate Listening Resource-highlights Music VPN-required

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

王菲 - 再見螢火蟲

王菲 is extremely well-known in China (or in the West as Faye Wong) and has a marvellous voice, here used to create something darker and leaning more towards rock. Very good indeed. The lyrics make t... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Resource-highlights Music VPN-required

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Business Chinese Vocabulary List: Foreign Companies in Chinese

Nice list of foreign companies names in China. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

stefanwienert almost 11 years

TeSL星海2冠軍賽 | Sen Vs San

This is the final match in the Taiwan E-sports League in StarCraft II between Taiwan's long-time champion Sen and a Korean guest player San. Note that even though watching games and sports in Chine... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Game Video VPN-required

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Learn Mandarin Chinese Online With ChineseVoyage: A Course In Contemporary Chinese

Master conversational level Chinese and excel in HSK exams with ChineseVoyage, the best online platform integrating HSK levels into beginner courses. Read more.


Beginner General Courses-and-textbooks Course Mobile Online-Tool Simplified-Characters Textbook Video

1 1

Fifi103 7 months

New HSK Vocabulary Lists (Audio Examples)

The audio-based New HSK vocabulary lists contain words of all levels (Band 1 - 9). Each word has a practical example so that you can not only understand the word’s meaning, but also learn its usage... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Vocabulary Resource-highlights Audio

1 0

Sabina 10 months

Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass - Master the Art of Learning Chinese Characters

Mastering Chinese characters, whether you find them enchantingly beautiful or overwhelmingly complex, is essential for literacy in Chinese. Outlier Linguistics will help you understand how the Chin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Information-and-Advice Audio Characters Handwriting Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

The Cozy Study

A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context General Language-learning Listening Reading Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Resource-highlights Tools-and-Apps Audio Blog Book Cantonese Game Literature Mobile Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters TV Web

1 0

花谢月令 about 1 year

疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

This is a (native-level, authentic) podcast about TV, film and culture. Episodes are long, usually 1-2 hours, focusing on a specific topic, such as a TV series or film, or more general. The discus... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio Literature Podcast TV Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 1 year

edsko.net - Handwriting samples for the HSK curriculum

This site collects calligraphy references for HSK vocabulary. Most other resources for writing cursive script uses much less frequent characters and aren't suitable for second-language learners. If... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Writing Resource-highlights Characters

1 0

Olle Linge over 1 year

ChineseForUs (YouTube)

ChineseForUs offers a large number of free videos on YouTube. The most basic lessons are much like other lessons found on YouTube, but if you skip to HSK 2 or so, there’s a surprising amount of Chi... Read more.


Beginner Listening Reading Courses-and-textbooks Resource-collections Audio Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 2 years

A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese (Paul W. Kroll)

*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years


*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar (Edwin G. Pulleyblank)

*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Grammar Reading Courses-and-textbooks Book Classical-Chinese

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

现代汉语通用字笔顺规范电子书 (PRC authoritative stroke order for 7,000 Chinese characters)

This is a digital version of the official authoritative stroke order standard used in China. It is sorted by stroke and is not searchable, so it's a bit hard to use. Thus, other resources will ofte... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Book Dictionary Handwriting Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

The Chinese Language Institute (CLI)

The Chinese Language Institute (CLI) offers free Mandarin learning resources in the form of articles on a variety of topics including Chinese characters, Chinese grammar and chengyu. They also offe... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate General Courses-and-textbooks Resource-collections Blog Course

1 0

AnneM over 4 years

OptiLingo Language Learning (Chinese)

Description provided by OptiLingo (I have not yet tried this service myself): "OptiLingo is a hands-free language learning app that prioritizes learning Chinese through speaking rather than typi... Read more.


Beginner Listening Speaking Courses-and-textbooks Tools-and-Apps Audio Paid

1 0

Olle Linge over 4 years

Chinese Grammar Wiki Study Deck (Anki)

This is an Anki deck based on AllSet Learning's Chinese Grammar Wiki. The content has been adapted to fit the flashcard format, including cards such as "Is this grammatically correct?", testing if... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 5 years

Wǒ ài pīnyīn!

This is a very in-depth article about how Pinyin is written, focusing mainly on the letters used, the typeface, arrangement on the page, and so on. It probably contains more about this topic than y... Read more.


Advanced General Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Text Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 5 years


ChineseMe is the most integrated Mandarin course, designed for motivated learners who have decided to become fluent. It is an interactive textbook that adapts itself to your interests. The course i... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate General Courses-and-textbooks Audio Book Chrome Handwriting Paid Pronunciation Text Web

1 0

Tim almost 7 years

Online Mandarin Chinese lessons

Get Online Mandarin Chinese lessons from our Personal Language Tutors through Skype to increase your opportunities for career, travel and friendship or to follow your favourite Chinese film. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Speaking Courses-and-textbooks Web

1 0

Sarah Thomas almost 8 years

@HanpingChengyu Twitter account (animated Chinese Idiom per day)

Follow this Twitter account to get a new animated Chinese Idiom (Chengyu) in your Twitter feed every day. Characters are Simplified Chinese, pronunciation is Pinyin (coloring is [Hanping's](http://... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Reading Vocabulary Writing Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Characters Simplified-Characters

1 0

hanpingchinese over 8 years

GoEast Language Centers (Blog, online/offline lessons)

This is a blog about China, Chinese culture, and language (including grammar and studying tips) which belongs to GoEast Language Centers. Browsing blog posts reveal some interesting topics, such as... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate General Courses-and-textbooks Information-and-Advice

1 0

Olle Linge over 8 years

文言 - 維基大典 (Wikipedia about classical Chinese written in classical Chinese)

This is a Wikipedia article about classical Chinese written entirely in classical Chinese. That makes it difficult reading for most students, but I find the idea behind this article very neat and t... Read more.


Advanced Reading Writing Resource-highlights Classical-Chinese Literature Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 8 years

Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects experimentally tested (Tang & van Heuven, 2009)

This is a research paper detailing a study of the mutual intelligibility of Chinese topolects. Dialects were sorted into groups and then it was experimentally tested how much of words and sentences... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Living-in-Chinese Resource-highlights Dialects Research

1 0

Olle Linge almost 9 years

The Open Languages Project (learning Chinese character-by-character)

This is a character-by-character beginner course in Chinese, provided free of charge at the Open Languages Project. It teaches you to read (and listen to) Chinese by explaining and introducing one ... Read more.


Beginner General Courses-and-textbooks Resource-collections Audio Simplified-Characters Text Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 9 years

普通话异读词审音表 (List of variant character pronunciations, mainland standard)

This page lists variant pronunciations and their standard readings in Mandarin Chinese (Mainland Standard). It does not list characters that have different readings based on different meanings, so ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Characters Pronunciation Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge about 9 years

Foreigncy (Mandarin)

Foreigncy has nearly 300 free Mandarin language training sets that help improve your media vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening skills while raising your awareness of regional events. T... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate General Courses-and-textbooks Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 9 years