Chinese vocabulary challenge, December 2024

This is a vocabulary challenge meant to help you boost your learning of characters and words! Set your own goal, report progress and participate along with other students. Please read the attached article for information and inspiration!

Recent activities

50 minutes

On the road. Thanks to my family.

Saturday, Dec 21

Cliff Larsen
45 minutes

SOME REVIEWS AND A FREAKING AWESOME NEW WORD WHICH MEANS, LITERALLY, "messy cake" or OOPS! or rotten bad luck... "糟糕“ zao1gao1. A longer session, claiming part. Lots of fun.

Saturday, Dec 21

janette raven
86 minutes

Various activites, anki reviews; spent some time studying a few words that I commonly get mixed up, studying the radicals and components to distinguish them from each other; learning new vocab for ...

Friday, Dec 20

20 minutes

Built a Notion to track vocab learning progress

Friday, Dec 20

10 minutes

Recall recite from Pleco deck. Got 10/12 correct.

Friday, Dec 20

40 minutes

Study vocab with recite recall. I go through my list on Pleco and write down the characters by memory. Then I check the card if I was correct.

Friday, Dec 20

40 minutes

Saved vocab and write them down on paper from Little Fox Chinese

Friday, Dec 20

20 minutes

Watching Dong Qing 朗读者, and collecting 词汇。 Also JTTW and some new words. Good day.

Friday, Dec 20

janette raven
75 minutes

Friday, Dec 20

Kevin Spachuk

Caitlin joined the challenge!

Friday, Dec 20

50 minutes

longer session of reading/ acquiring vocab and alternating with short manual and SRS reviews. Enjoyed everything, only claiming part.

Friday, Dec 20

janette raven
60 minutes

Middle of the night cant sleep but inspired by Janette's Haiku's I have landed on songs again and its refreshing to hear the words in other context and discover new words reading lyrics along in sp...

Friday, Dec 20

60 minutes

Got tons done. 肖邦. Simple characters but not simple piano....

Friday, Dec 20

Cliff Larsen
60 minutes

Watched a new released video from MB and learnt some new conjunctions very interesting then this morning I went over and over again through a YouTube short every single sentence I either learnt a n...

Thursday, Dec 19

30 minutes

A LONGER EARLY MORNING SESSION- alternating reading and vocab reviewing (manually), with a bit of vocab learning.

Thursday, Dec 19

janette raven
61 minutes

Anki reviews

Thursday, Dec 19



Hours reported175.41
DurationDecember 10, 2024 to
December 31, 2024 (22 days)