Chinese listening challenge, May 2023

This is a listening challenge! Listen to as much Chinese as you can before the end of the month. Please read the linked article for more information and inspiration.

Recent activities

MarkY joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

120 minutes

30 mins watching Peppa Pig with English, pinyin, hanzi subtitles. 90 mins watching comedy/romance/drama series on Amazon with English subtitles - noting down all the words and sentences that I catc...

Wednesday, May 10

75 minutes

Listened to 3 separate and recent episodes of Tea Time Chinese which I discovered earlier this week through the Hacking Chinese podcast and which has been a revelation for my Chinese listening to c...

Wednesday, May 10

Stuart Thompson

Kathryn joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10


Stuart Thompson joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

Stuart Thompson
60 minutes

Wednesday, May 10

Charles Colyott
47 minutes

20 minute listening flashcards, 7 minutes podcast, 14 minutes YouTube, 6 minutes listening exercises

Wednesday, May 10

aaron bond
220 minutes

--> The whole point of the challenge for me is trying to go through the 108 animated episodes of 西游记/Journey to the West, on the website LittleFox Chinese. Each episode is 5 to 6 minutes long, and ...

Wednesday, May 10

Tikaf Viper

Tikaf Viper joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

Tikaf Viper

Huey joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 11.

Wednesday, May 10


Dekai joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10


Nope joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 12.

Wednesday, May 10


Zhi-Ting Lin joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

Zhi-Ting Lin

Ruben Juarez joined the challenge!

Wednesday, May 10

Ruben Juarez

Malaili joined the challenge!

Tuesday, May 09


PeKing joined the challenge!

Tuesday, May 09


何克蒙 joined the challenge!

Tuesday, May 09


Charles Colyott joined the challenge!

Monday, May 08

Charles Colyott

aaron bond joined the challenge!

Monday, May 08

aaron bond

khine joined the challenge!

Sunday, May 07


reese_learns joined the challenge!

Sunday, May 07


jesswinyard joined the challenge!

Saturday, May 06


Chiho Matsui joined the challenge!

Saturday, May 06

Chiho Matsui


Hours reported678.21
DurationMay 10, 2023 to
May 31, 2023 (22 days)