Hacking Chinese Resources
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8 resources found.
Pleco Chinese Dictionary for iOS
Chinese dictionary for iOS with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader (including support for reading words on web pages and in PDF / EPUB documents), stroke order, and more than 20 a... Read more.
mikelove – over 10 years
Pleco Chinese Dictionary for Android (Google Play version)
Chinese dictionary for Android with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader, stroke order, and more than 20 available dictionary databases. Read more.
mikelove – over 10 years
Duolingo: Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free
Finally, Duolingo added a En->ZH course. As Duolingo is the most popular gamification learning app, the learning experience is relatively streamlined and tested. The monetarization aspect leads to ... Read more.
stefanwienert – over 6 years
Learn languages online for free with Mondly - Language learning made easy, fun and free
Mondly is a mobile app very similar to Duolingo (which does not support Chinese). Pro: * more or less straight course to take, no distractions * It has several languages besides Chinese. Th... Read more.
stefan-wienert – about 7 years
Hanping Chinese Camera - Android App on Google Play
Save time doing dictionary lookups! Simply point your camera at some Chinese text to get all the English definitions. And everything works offline. Within just a couple of seconds of launching t... Read more.
hanpingchinese – over 10 years
The Cozy Study
A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.
花谢月令 – 9 months
JinbuPal is a web app designed to help learners rapidly jumpstart their Chinese skills by focusing on maintaining continual noticeable progress. JinbuPal’s card-based system features individual cha... Read more.
Mike Kennedy – almost 2 years
M Mandarin (漫中文)
This is an app for iOS and Android which has a lot of content, much of it in the form of comics. You can also find the text for each comic separately, but not all the content is free. It’s a little... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 3 years