Hacking Chinese Resources
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7 resources found.
Pleco Chinese Dictionary for iOS
Chinese dictionary for iOS with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader (including support for reading words on web pages and in PDF / EPUB documents), stroke order, and more than 20 a... Read more.
mikelove – over 10 years
Readibu (app for reading web novels)
Readibu is an app that allows you to find and read novels on your phone (iOS and Android). They don’t create the content themselves, but rather connect with various online sites that offer stories ... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 3 years
Duolingo: Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free
Finally, Duolingo added a En->ZH course. As Duolingo is the most popular gamification learning app, the learning experience is relatively streamlined and tested. The monetarization aspect leads to ... Read more.
stefanwienert – over 6 years
Pandaist (graded reader app)
Pandaist is a graded reader app with several hundred articles, including both news articles as well as fictional stories. Every article includes sentence translations, grammar rules and a popup cha... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 2 years
TutorMandarin: Online Mandarin Tutor
TutorMandarin is an online Chinese tutoring software and service. Students take 1-on-1 classes with professional Mandarin tutors on PC, Android, or iOS. Full courses from Beginner to Advanced, Spok... Read more.
hanpingchinese – almost 7 years
KTdict: iPhone and iPad dictionary for Chinese learners
This is a dictionary app for iOS that apart from the dictionary itself also offers a document reader (with pop-up translations), OCR (optical character reading) and flashcards. It comes in a paid a... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 9 years
M Mandarin (漫中文)
This is an app for iOS and Android which has a lot of content, much of it in the form of comics. You can also find the text for each comic separately, but not all the content is free. It’s a little... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 3 years