Hacking Chinese Resources
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66 resources found.
Maayot - Bite-size daily Chinese Mandarin stories to your inbox
maayot is a chinese mandarin graded reader to receive on a daily basis a story with rather engaging content. New stories are received directly by email. On click of a character in the story, it ope... Read more.

fluencyyy – over 4 years
Focusing on tone pairs to improve your Mandarin pronunciation
When learning to pronounce tones in Chinese, it makes sense to focus on words rather than single syllables. Most words in Chinese are disyllabic and since practising these will also include to tone... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Little Fox Chinese
Welcome to Little Fox's official Chinese language channel, fun educational animated stories and songs for children. Little Fox makes learning Chinese fun with animated stories. As students watch ou... Read more.
pon00050 – almost 8 years
Two reasons why pronunciation matters more than you think

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills (Sinosplice)
This is a good introduction to tones in Chinese. I personally think that tone pairs is the right way to go, mostly because they incorporate all important tone changes in Chinese. Therefore, as soon... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
新华网 – Xinhua Headlines Bilingual Zone
Xinhua bilingual zone brings you news stories in both English and Simplified Chinese from around China and world Read more.

Sebastian Rasmussen – almost 10 years
Listen to native speakers, mimic the audio while recording, receive instant feedback on spoken phases. Then submit your recording to be evaluated by real native teachers. Read more.

电猫 – almost 10 years
WorkAudioBook - Audio book player for language learners
The best audio player for language learners is WorkAudioBook. Its main abilities are: - splits audio file into phrases - auto-pauses between phrases - auto-repeat phrases, files, folders - subt... Read more.

lechuan – over 10 years
Toward Better Tones in Natural Speech
This article describes the basics of way to teach tones that is different from the traditional way mainly in that the third tone is no longer described as a falling-rising tone (since that is rarel... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Learning the third tone in Chinese (Hacking Chinese)
The third tone is an essentially low tone. The only time it's pronounced with a high element is in front of another third tone (when it turns into a second tone) and when in complete isolation (whi... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Non-fiction book summaries written in easier to understand Chinese (with audio)
I've taken some book summaries of interesting non-fiction books, rewritten them into simple English and had them translated into Chinese. This way, the vocabulary and grammar will be easier to unde... Read more.

Nick Dahlhoff – over 5 years
Glossika (mass sentences and spaced repetation audio lessons)
Glossika offers an audio method that consists of hundreds of bilingual sentences read by native speakers. They are selected to be natural-sounding and very common sentences and structured to build ... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
Using Audacity to learn Chinese (speaking and listening) (Hacking Chinese)
Audacity is a marvellous piece of software that allows you to record audio (yourself, other people or whatever is playing on your computer), mimic native speakers, edit and enhance the audio, as we... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Pinyin chart - Chinese Pronunciation Wiki
This is probably the best Pinyin chart available. It offers all syllables with all tones, but also transcriptions in other systems, including the International Phonetic Alphabet, Zhuyin and Wade-Gi... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 6 years
Hanping Chinese Popup
The ultimate solution for quickly looking up Chinese words on your smartphone or tablet, no matter what app (or system screens) you are using. Note: For Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher. Whe... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 9 years
Tones are more important than you think (Hacking Chinese)
Tones are more important than most people think. Just because native speakers reduce tones and speak quickly, it doesn't mean that you can do the same and get away with it. Don't be fooled by peopl... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
A guide to Pinyin traps and pitfalls (Hacking Chinese)
My article about various common problems students have with Pinyin. These problems mostly exist because people read Pinyin as if it were a phonetic alphabet instead of a transcription system. Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation (Better Chinese)
This clip introduces all the initials and finals in Pinyin (using the first tone). It adds value to the rest of the resources here because the camera is pointed to the speaker’s mouth, showing clea... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Speak Good Chinese (Improve speaking by seeing your tones)
This application is built on the speech sound analysis program Praat and is completely free of charge and available for many platforms. The idea is simple: A word is presented with a tone contour a... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Praat - Doing phonetics by computer
Praat is one of the most widely used programs when it comes to doing scientific phonetic analysis. It requires some training to use most of the features, but all students can easily learn how to an... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Taiwanese Mandarin (Wikipedia)
This article is an excellent start for anyone who wants to know more about the Mandarin spoken in Taiwan. In general, it's very similar to the Chinese spoken on the Mainland and most Taiwanese peop... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Mandarin Chinese Phonetics (Zein.se)
This is a simple and straightforward explanation of Chinese phonetics. I recommend it because it's not very complicated and (mostly) correct. I will try to write something myself later, but in the ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Sing Chinese Songs - Listen to Chinese music and learn Chinese with famous Chinese songs
The official introduction sums it up pretty well: It's a place where you can listen to Chinese music and learn Chinese with famous Chinese songs in Mandarin (simplified characters). As well, le... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 10 years
italki: Learn a language online
iTalki isn't specifically designed for learning Chinese, but it's still one of the most convenient and probably also one of the cheapest way to find people to practice Chinese with. Sure, you can f... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
LearnWithOliver - Chinese Flashcards - Learn Chinese Language Online
Learn Mandarin Chinese online with our Audio Flashcard System, multiple choice test, annotated texts and games. Suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners. Read more.

antosch – over 10 years
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart with Audio (Yabla Chinese)
Yet another Pinyin chart. There are many out there, so let's focus on why this is worth mentioning. First, it offers all syllables in all tones. It should be noted that it offers all tones even for... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
How to find out how good your Chinese pronunciation really is
Evaluating pronunciation needn't be hard, but many methods commonly used by teachers are deeply flawed, resulting in inaccurate error analysis. If we want to improve, we need to be clear about what... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Mandarin Pronunciation Table (New Concept Mandarin)
This resource lists all existing syllables in Mandarin. It is different from other resources that also list tones of the various syllables in that it does not include syllable and tone combinations... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Chinese Pinyin Converter (Simplified, Tranditional, IPA, Pinyin)
This tool allows you to convert Chinese text (both simplified and traditional) to different formats, including Pinyin (with tone marks or numbers) and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). This s ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Pinyin introduction and audio charts
This is the traditional Pinyin chart with audio, with the added benefit that you can download it and use it offline. Contains separate mp3 files. Female speaker with clear pronunciation. Edit: Y... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
John Pasden's complete tips on Chinese pronunciation (Sinosplice)
John Pasden has over ten years of experience teaching Chinese language, and a particular awareness of phonetic difficulties. This page gathers a number of posts on his website sinosplice about pron... Read more.

Julien Leyre – almost 11 years
Standard Chinese phonology (Wikipedia)
This is a basic but fairly comprehensive overview of the phonology of Standard Chinese (or Mandarin, as it might be better known as). This site covers consonants, vowels, syllables, tones, word str... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
FREE multi-platform app and desktop software. I use it for looking up words, checking characters etymology, stroke order, collocations. The mobile app also has other functions. For me, this is ... Read more.

Tikaf Viper – over 1 year
电子课本网 (digital textbooks for native speakers)
Using textbooks written with the aim of teaching Chinese children about history, mathematics and biology can be great learning resources for adult foreigners as well. This website hosts hundreds an... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 3 years
This site collects almost a thousand textbooks used in Chinese schools, ranging from grade 1 up to senior high school. Subjects cover Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, his... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 6 years
TutorMandarin: Online Mandarin Tutor
TutorMandarin is an online Chinese tutoring software and service. Students take 1-on-1 classes with professional Mandarin tutors on PC, Android, or iOS. Full courses from Beginner to Advanced, Spok... Read more.

hanpingchinese – about 7 years
Listening Practice
Practice transcribing the sentences with audio from Tatoeba on this website. Read more.
pon00050 – almost 8 years
Hanping Chinese SoundBox (now rolled into Hanping Dictionary) (Android App on Google Play)
UPDATE 2017: This app is now rolled into our Hanping Dictionary apps (Lite, Pro & Cantonese). Great way for beginners to practice single and double-syllable Chinese words. ★ Ideal for any stu... Read more.

hanpingchinese – about 9 years
Chinese Pronunciation Wiki (AllSet Learning)
This newly launched site offers basic information about pronunciation, mostly things that should be in all beginner courses and textbooks but seldom are. Currently, the content is fairly limited, b... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Mandarin Chinese Phonetics Table
Another web-based resource with recorded audio for all syllables with all tones. You can also get the “spelling” of the syllable read to you, ie. Initial, final and then the whole syllable. Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Pinyin charts with audio for iPad (Allset Learning)
This is an excellent (free) app for those who want to familiarise themselves with Pinyin. This beats anything written in a standard textbook and the ease of access of all the sounds is a must for b... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Global Language Online Support System (with Chinese lessons)
This page offers several hundred lessons for Chinese about different topics, including both reading practice and listening. They also have some learning activities, including quizzes. I have tried ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
10 Simple Phrases for Improving Your Conversational Skills (Skritter Blog)
Every textbook should contain these (and some more) phrases. By learning some common sentences such as "how do I say this in Chinese", "can you please say that again" and so on, you can increase th... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
A Comprehensive Guide to Euphemisms in Chinese and English (一步一个脚印)
This is a list of euphemisms in Chinese and English, sorted into 18 categories. It's probably not necessary to know how to say all these, but it's definitely useful to have heard them and understan... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
The Phonology of Standard Chinese by Duanmu San (Review on Hacking Chinese)
Duanmu San's "The Phonology of Standard Chinese" is by far the best introduction to Mandarin phonology that I'm aware of. It's mostly useful for people who like phonology or are already at an advan... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart with Audio
This is a simple table where you can access sound files of syllables in Mandarin read with all four tones. Unlike [the other one I have also recommended](http://resources.hackingchinese.com/s/xqoai... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
乡音苑 Phonemica, a panorama of Chinese dialects, painted by speakers through their stories
From the about page: Phonemica is a crowd-sourced project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of varieties of Chinese. We believe that each language and dialect is a priceless... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Pinyin Basics
This page describes the basics of how Pinyin works (i.e. how sounds are written, not necessarily how they are pronounced). It deals with problems such as when to add dots over u, false initials, om... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Language Power Struggles
This article discusses the language power struggle that most learners are very familiar with. "Given a conscious choice between a number of languages to use for interaction, speakers will naturally... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Chinese Number Trainer Lite (Android app)
Official description: Learn to use Chinese numbers and have a little fun doing it! Translate numbers to and from Chinese, test yourself with the quiz (watch out for that rocket) and interact with a... Read more.

Olle Linge – 4 months
YouGlish (look up pronunciation and usage among all YouTube videos)
YouGlish is a free tool that helps learners hear Chinese words and phrases in context through YouTube videos. It provides real-life examples of pronunciation, tone usage, and regional accents. By o... Read more.

Olle Linge – 5 months
The Cozy Study
A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.
花谢月令 – about 1 year
Chinese Podcast With Shenglan
Quoted from the website: "Chinese Podcast With Shenglan, a podcast where we talk about language learning, Chinese culture and society, is created for intermediate Chinese learners. These episode... Read more.
Akobato – over 1 year
JinbuPal Chinese Media Library
A free resource from JinbuPal with hundreds of categorized YouTube channel, movie, TV show, podcast, and online reading resource recommendations. Each resource is tagged with helpful information so... Read more.

Mike Kennedy – about 2 years