Hacking Chinese Resources

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294 resources found.

Pleco Software - Learn Chinese with dictionaries for iPhone, iPad and Android

Pleco is one of the most popular mobile dictionaries for Chinese learners. It basically removes the need for any kind of paper dictionary and allows easy look-up for words using English, hand-writi... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Mobile SRS

21 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Maayot - Bite-size daily Chinese Mandarin stories to your inbox

maayot is a chinese mandarin graded reader to receive on a daily basis a story with rather engaging content. New stories are received directly by email. On click of a character in the story, it ope... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Reading Resource-collections Tools-and-Apps Podcast

16 0

fluencyyy over 4 years

Skritter (app to help you learn to write Chinese characters)

Skritter is an app for learning Chinese vocabulary, especially handwriting. It offers smooth handwriting input with some corrective feedback, combined with spaced repetition that allows you (or me,... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Mobile Paid SRS Web

15 1

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards

Anki is by far the most versatile spaced repetition software out there. It's not the easiest one to install and understand exactly how to use, but once you are familiar with it, you can do anything... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps SRS

13 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

HanziCraft - The Ultimate Chinese Character Dictionary

HanziCraft is a web application that takes you into the depths of Chinese characters. It aims to provide information on Chinese characters in a easy clean format with awesome useful information. It... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

13 1

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Mandarin Companion (Chinese graded readers)

Mandarin Companion offers a series of graded readers for learners of Chinese. I haven't read all of them yet, but the two I have read have both been great. Considering that they use a very limited ... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Book Text

12 1

Olle Linge over 10 years

The Chairman's Bao (simplified news for language learners)

The Chairman's Bao offers news in Chinese, written for language learners sorted by HSK level. Each news article comes with text and audio. There's also a live dictionary which you need to sign-up t... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections Audio News Text

10 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Chinese Breeze: Graded Chinese Readers

A series of graded readers for early stage reading. The levels progress from 300 to 500 to 750 words. The stories contain a lot of repetition to ensure learning but at the same time tell more e... Read more.


Beginner Listening Reading Resource-highlights Audio Book Text

9 0

kdgbalmer almost 11 years

Textbook Vocabulary Lists (Skritter)

Vocabulary lists for most major textbooks. Downloading the lists requires free signup to Skritter. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Textbook

8 0

Kai Carver over 10 years

Clavis Sinica Stepping Stones E-textbook

Stepping Stones is a series of lessons in written Chinese for adult beginners. The goal of the series is to provide a systematic introduction to the 300 most commonly used Chinese characters, which... Read more.


Beginner Listening Reading Resource-highlights Audio Textbook

8 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Du Chinese (mobile app for Chinese reading practice)

This is a reading app that contains a number of lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Apart from the reading material, there is also recorded (not synthesised) audio. The app al... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Tools-and-Apps Audio Simplified-Characters Text Traditional-Characters

7 1

Olle Linge about 9 years

Zhongwen: A Chinese-English Popup Dictionary for Chrome

This is a tool that adds a pop-up dictionary to Chrome. I haven't compared it with [Pera Pera](http://resources.hackingchinese.com/s/sltbee/perapera_language_tools_popup_browser_dictionary) in deta... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

7 1

Olle Linge over 10 years

Chinese Text Sampler: Readings in Chinese Literature, History, and Popular Culture

A carefully chosen selection of 80 significant Chinese texts for students wishing to develop their reading skills while improving their cultural literacy. Includes classical and modern Chinese lit... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Literature

7 0

mikelove over 10 years

Chinese online short story collection (Just Learn Chinese!)

This is a great repository of short stories for beginner and intermediate learners. Some of them also have audio and all have translations to English and word lists! I would be a little bit careful... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections

7 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

新华网 – Xinhua Headlines Bilingual Zone

Xinhua bilingual zone brings you news stories in both English and Simplified Chinese from around China and world Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Reading Resource-collections News

6 0

Sebastian Rasmussen almost 10 years

Kickstart your character learning with the 100 most common radicals (Hacking Chinese)

This is a list of the 100 most common radicals among the 2000 most common characters, meaning that it's excellent for beginners who want to boost their understanding of Chinese characters. The list... Read more.


Beginner Vocabulary Resource-highlights Characters Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

6 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Frill - The Chinese pop-up dictionary for Safari

Frill is a Chinese to English pop-up dictionary extension for Safari. Similar to Perapera for Firefox or Zhongwen for Chrome, its dictionary has over 100,000 words. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Reading Tools-and-Apps Dictionary

6 0

hanpingchinese over 10 years

Hanping Chinese - Powerful Offline OCR & Dictionary apps for Android

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro and Hanping Chinese Camera are the two highest rated Android apps on Google's Play Store. The dictionary (both free and paid editions available) gives you the ability... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android Dictionary Handwriting Input-method OCR Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Translation

6 0

hanpingchinese over 10 years

Wenlin Institute: Software for Learning Chinese

Wenlin software makes learning Chinese easier and more interesting, for begining students, life-long speakers, and scholars alike. It combines a comprehensive Chinese dictionary, a Unicode text edi... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Writing Tools-and-Apps Characters Classical-Chinese Dictionary Handwriting Literature Productivity Simplified-Characters Teaching Traditional-Characters Translation

6 0

mikelove over 10 years

Chinese Text Analyser (a tool for segmenting and analysing Chinese text)

This Chinese Text Analyser is a tool that helps you find content suited to your current vocabulary level, and makes it easy to identify and learn new words. You can use it to easily see which words... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Paid

6 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Perapera Language Tools (Popup browser dictionary)

This is probably one of the most useful plugins for both Firefox and Chrome to learn Chinese. Perapera offers an excellent popup dictionary which allows you to take on texts that would have been im... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

6 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

MDBG English to Chinese dictionary

One of the most convenient dictionaries online. This is my default dictionary in the CE category. It has a clean interface, is easy to use, has handwriting recognition, stroke order and sound. Some... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

6 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

有道 (Youdao.com)

This is by far the best online Chinese-English-Chinese dictionary I know. Not only does it have much more words than most other dictionaries, it also has bilingual sentences in large numbers, givin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Translation Web

6 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Zizzle (app for learning Chinese characters)

Zizzle is an app that turns Chinese characters into engaging pictures and memorable short stories with funny heroes. For every single Chinese character, Zizzle creates a mnemonic story that employs... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android iOS Paid

5 0

Olle Linge about 8 years

Language learning through Video (FluentU)

FluentU offers authentic as well as learner-oriented videos for learning Chinese. A neat interface allows you to use an excellent pop-up dictionary and other useful features to watch and learn from... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Audio Text Video

5 0

lazylink over 9 years

HSK Graphs (great infographics)

Beautiful graphs/charts that show the relationships between characters in the new HSK word lists. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

5 0

lazylink over 9 years

Chinese Glossary (sample sentences with audio from ChinesePod)

This is a search page where you can find example sentences with audio from ChinesePod. This is awesome! In difference to most other pages with sentence databases, this is mostly directed to languag... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Tatoeba - Collecting example sentences

Tatoeba offers sentences in many languages (you can choose yourself which languages to search for). This is excellent if you want to find your own example sentences for your Chinese vocabulary or i... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Grammar Reading Writing Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Phonetic components, part 2: Hacking Chinese characters

This is the second and final article about using phonetic components to hack Chinese characters and make it considerably easier to handle similarly looking characters. This article describes both t... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Characters Pronunciation

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Peking University CCL Online Corpus / 语料库检索系统(网络版)

An online corpus of Chinese language. Size: 477 million characters (1.06 GB). Interface language: Chinese only. Read more.


Advanced Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Research Web

5 1

ednorog over 10 years

The Sinocism China Newsletter

This newsletter is THE best resource for keeping yourself updated about what's going on in China. The articles included are sometimes in English, sometimes in Chinese, so the recommendation for "ad... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-highlights News

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

How to learn Chinese characters as a beginner (Hacking Chinese)

Writing Chinese characters for the first time can be very hard, mostly because it's so different from writing letters. It feels more like drawing a picture than writing! This article is aimed at be... Read more.


Beginner Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Blog Characters

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Chinese Learn Online (CLO)

Learn Chinese Online with CLO - Go from absolute beginner to intermediate learner with our step by step, progressive audio lessons in Mandarin Chinese Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Listening Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Audio Course iOS Online-Tool Paid Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

5 0

Adam_CLO over 10 years

Pleco Chinese Dictionary for iOS

Chinese dictionary for iOS with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader (including support for reading words on web pages and in PDF / EPUB documents), stroke order, and more than 20 a... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Characters Classical-Chinese Dictionary Handwriting iOS Mobile Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Translation

5 0

mikelove over 10 years

50 Skills and Abilities in Chinese | 一步一个脚印

A neat list skill-related vocabulary in Chinese by Carl Gene Fordham. From the introduction of the blog post: Lately I’ve noticed that Chinese has many words to describe skills and abilities ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Blog

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

好讀 (E-books in traditional Chinese)

This site contains a huge amount of e-books in traditional Chinese. My guess is that downloading and reading them without having the original text might be illegal, but even so, it's often great to... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Book Literature Traditional-Characters

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon (focusing on terms used online to avoid censorship)

From the introduction page: The Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon is an online glossary of terms created by Chinese netizens and frequently encountered in online political discussions. This project is ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Dictionary

5 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Marco Polo Project - read and translate new writing from China

The Marco Polo Project is a digital community reading and translating new writing from China. The website proposes a diverse and original selection of new Chinese writing by independent journalists... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Translation

5 0

Julien Leyre almost 11 years

Chineasy? Not (About what's wrong with Hsueh ShaoLan's Chineasy)

In this blog post, Victor Mair explains what's wrong withe Hsueh ShaoLan's claims that learning to read and write Chinese is easy. That this is wrong should be pretty easy, but few can say it with ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Information-and-Advice Review

5 3

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Learning, powered by imagination - Memrise

The Memrise community uses images and science to make learning easy and fun. Learn a language. Learn anything. Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Game Web

5 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Chengyu stories, chinese idioms - Chinese-Tools.com

Chinese Idioms or Chengyu are short sayings usually consisting of four characters. Unless you know the story and its common usage, a Chengyu will sound like random nonsense. Here are some Chengyu ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Resource-collections

5 0

alwaysnoone almost 11 years

nciku - Online English Chinese Dictionary, Learn Chinese Mandarin Online

Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary with Chinese handwriting recognition, pinyin translation, audio pronunciation, personalized vocab lists, picture theme words and useful Chinese conver... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

5 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

The 3000 most common Chinese characters

This site simply lists the 3000 most common characters in Chinese, including simplified, traditional and English translation. The list also includes some extra information about word formation and ... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

5 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Chinese Text Project

The Chinese Text Project is a web-based e-text system designed to present ancient Chinese texts, particularly those relating to Chinese philosophy, in a well-structured and properly cross-reference... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Classical-Chinese

5 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Easing yourself into reading novels in Chinese

Reading a novel in Chinese is the goal for many learners, but perhaps it's easier to accomplish than you think. This article discusses various methods of making novel reading easier in Chinese, ma... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Information-and-Advice Literature

5 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Non-fiction book summaries written in easier to understand Chinese (with audio)

I've taken some book summaries of interesting non-fiction books, rewritten them into simple English and had them translated into Chinese. This way, the vocabulary and grammar will be easier to unde... Read more.


Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Reading Resource-highlights Audio Book Web

4 1

Nick Dahlhoff over 5 years

Chinese character stroke order rules (Understanding Chinese Characters on YouTube)

This is a basic video demonstration of the stroke order rules for writing Chinese characters. It's short and if you find something lacking, your question may have already been answered in the comme... Read more.


Beginner Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Audio Characters Handwriting Video VPN-required

4 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

VoA bilingual news (英语教学 双语新闻)

This site presents news in both Chinese (simplified) and English. It's targeted at Chinese people learning English, but that matters little, parallel texts are awesome learning resources regardless... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Resource-collections News Parallel-texts Text Web

4 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Chinese Reading Practice | Simplified Chinese Reading Exercises & Materials Blog

A blog of beginner, intermediate, and advanced Chinese reading materials with full English translations. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Parallel-texts Simplified-Characters Textbook Web

4 2

Kai Carver about 10 years

Simulated Tests of the New Chinese Proficiency Test HSK

Recommended and introduced by Trevor [here](http://www.hackingchinese.com/extensive-listening-challenge-october-2014-wrapping-up/#comment-646686). Each book (one for each level of the new HSK ex... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Listening Reading Resource-highlights Book Exam

4 1

Olle Linge about 10 years

Mandarin Chinese Count/Measure Words (digchinese.com)

This is a comprehensive overview of measure words in Chinese, featuring a long list of the most common ones, an explanation in English how they are used and a number of examples of words they are u... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights

4 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Learning the right chengyu the right way (Hacking Chinese)

Many people regard chengyu as the golden key to the Chinese language and believe that learning chengyu will impress native speakers and take their Chinese to the next level. However, learning cheng... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Blog

4 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

中文阅读天地 (University of Iowa)

This site contains a huge number of lessons, complete with texts, vocabulary, audio, exercises and much more. And it's all free. Note that if you want to get the intermediate and advanced material,... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Android Audio Textbook Web

4 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Hanping Cantonese Dictionary

Offline Cantonese dictionary app for Android. Supports both Traditional and Simplified characters as well as Jyutping and Yale pronunciation. Handwriting recognition, syllable-by-syllable native... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android Audio Cantonese Dictionary Handwriting Mobile Paid Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

4 0

hanpingchinese over 10 years