Hacking Chinese Resources

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4 resources found.

Hanping Chinese - Powerful Offline OCR & Dictionary apps for Android

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro and Hanping Chinese Camera are the two highest rated Android apps on Google's Play Store. The dictionary (both free and paid editions available) gives you the ability... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android Dictionary Handwriting Input-method OCR Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Translation

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hanpingchinese over 10 years

Duolingo: Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free

Finally, Duolingo added a En->ZH course. As Duolingo is the most popular gamification learning app, the learning experience is relatively streamlined and tested. The monetarization aspect leads to ... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate General Language-learning Listening Reading Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Social-learning Tools-and-Apps Android Audio Course iOS Mobile Simplified-Characters Web

3 0

stefanwienert about 7 years

Hanping Chinese Popup

The ultimate solution for quickly looking up Chinese words on your smartphone or tablet, no matter what app (or system screens) you are using. Note: For Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher. Whe... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context Language-learning Reading Tools-and-Apps Android Cantonese Dictionary OCR Paid Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Text Traditional-Characters

3 1

hanpingchinese over 9 years


This is a language learning game that features among other languages Mandarin Chinese (at first only Japanese was supported). It aims to teach you about 400 words by having a virtual character walk... Read more.


Beginner Language-learning Listening Reading Tools-and-Apps Android Game Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Windows

2 1

Sebastian Rasmussen over 10 years