Hacking Chinese Resources

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208 resources found.

Learn languages online for free with Mondly - Language learning made easy, fun and free

Mondly is a mobile app very similar to Duolingo (which does not support Chinese). Pro: * more or less straight course to take, no distractions * It has several languages besides Chinese. Th... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Listening Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Course Mobile Paid Simplified-Characters

2 0

stefan-wienert over 7 years

华老师信箱 (Chinese language Q&A from 华文教育网)

This is a Q&A page where teachers answer questions about Mandarin, mainly vocabulary use and grammar, but sometimes other questions as well. It's mostly useful because of the wealth of information ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Blog Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge about 9 years

國語一字多音審訂表 (List of variant character pronunciations, Taiwan standard)

This is a very large list of traditional characters with multiple pronunciations in the form of an Excel file (the other two files are announcements about the list in Chinese). The first sheet just... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Characters Pronunciation Traditional-Characters

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Olle Linge about 9 years

HanDeDict - Chinesisch-deutsches Wörterbuch

HanDeDict is an open-source, collaboratively edited Chinese-German dictionary, licensed under Create Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0 DE). It started out as a translation of the CEDICT Chinese-English diction... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

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Olle Linge about 9 years

Those Chinese characters that are really easy to get mixed up (Fluent in Mandarin)

This is blog post listing easily confused characters. It's very helpful to see these next to each other since they are hard to keep separate if you only see them one by one. The selection is based ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Blog Simplified-Characters

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Olle Linge over 9 years

PolyglotGamedev (Gaming vocabulary)

This is a very, very large document with thousands of translated gaming terms in 25 languages, including both simplified and traditional Chinese. It can be useful for learners who want to brush the... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Game

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Olle Linge over 9 years

Master Mandarin: The Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Chinese the Fun Way - Language Mastery

You don’t need to spend thousands on classes. You don’t need boring textbooks. You don’t need to be good at languages. And you don’t have to move to China or Taiwan (though that’s great if you can)... Read more.


Beginner Language-learning Information-and-Advice Book

2 0

hanpingchinese over 9 years

A Radical View (radicals neatly grouped by theme from gotCharacters)

A neat overview of most of the radicals, grouped by meaning. Sold as a poster too! Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Simplified-Characters Web

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

Bigram frequencies and mutual information in Modern Chinese (Chinese Text Computing)

This tool gives you the most common bigrams found in news language or general fiction (choose which one). Note that a bigram isn't necessarily a word. For instance, 一个 isn't a word, but it's a very... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Research Web

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

KTdict: iPhone and iPad dictionary for Chinese learners

This is a dictionary app for iOS that apart from the dictionary itself also offers a document reader (with pop-up translations), OCR (optical character reading) and flashcards. It comes in a paid a... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps iOS

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

常用100個破音字 (Quiz of 100 common polyphonic characters)

This is a quiz of 100 common polyphonic characters in Chinese. A polyphonic character is a character that has more than one pronunciation. Through 100 sentences, this quiz asks you to fill in the r... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Resource-highlights Text Traditional-Characters

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

Urban Dictionary Chinese

Urban Dictionary is a user-edited dictionary of colloquial language and slang. This is the Chinese edition. Words are usually explained in English, but sometimes only in Chinese. There are also exa... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Dictionary Web

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

Quantifying Simplified Chinese

What can we say mathematically about the difference between simplified and traditional Chinese characters? This is an in-depth discussion about character simplification, the information content of ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Simplified-Characters Text Traditional-Characters

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Olle Linge almost 10 years

Preparing for rainy days and dealing with slumps (Hacking Chinese)

We all experience slumps in our learning, but there are many thing we can do to reduce the negative effects of these slumps. The solution is three-fold: Preparing for the slump before it hits you, ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Information-and-Advice Blog

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Olle Linge over 10 years


This is a language learning game that features among other languages Mandarin Chinese (at first only Japanese was supported). It aims to teach you about 400 words by having a virtual character walk... Read more.


Beginner Language-learning Listening Reading Tools-and-Apps Android Game Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Windows

2 1

Sebastian Rasmussen over 10 years

Tasty Mantou Chinese (Online dictionary)

This dictionary is new and looks promising. It provides easy look-up for characters and words (both simplified and traditional) along with sample sentences with audio. You can also write characters... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

FourTones (Web music game for learning Chinese)

This game helps you learn tones. You will see the lyrics of Chinese songs approaching you and you're supposed to select which of them actually belong to the lyrics you're hearing. It's a reasonably... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Game Music Web

2 6

Olle Linge over 10 years

Foreigncy (Reading and vocabulary practice for advanced learners)

Foreigncy provides daily digital flashcards, with audio, that prepare a user to read a foreign policy or economics from a regional source. The site also provide users with an English language summa... Read more.


Advanced Reading Vocabulary Resource-collections Economics News Politics Text

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Olle Linge over 10 years

Top 10 Chinese Vocabulary Words for the Ghost Month

10 useful vocabulary words related to the Chinese traditional holiday 鬼月(guĭ yuè), the ghost month, Read more.


Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice

2 0

Alan over 10 years


An online tool for vocabulary learning where the user creates lists of learned words and words to learn, and is shown example sentences for learning and reviewing them. Registration required. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Online-Tool Productivity

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ednorog over 10 years

Mnemosyne Project (flashcard spaced repetition software)

Mnemosyne is a spaced repetition program available for most platforms. It doesn't offer specific Chinese support, but is general enough to work for almost everything and there are decks of flashcar... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps SRS

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Olle Linge over 10 years

Known Chinese Words / Characters Test

This application will test your knowledge of a random sample of Chinese words or characters, both common and rare, for the purpose of estimating the number of Chinese words you know. At the end of ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Characters Online-Tool

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ednorog over 10 years

HiNative | A global platform for your questions

HiNative is a Q&A site where you can ask people all over the world about culture, language, anything. We support over 100 languages. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Social-learning Tools-and-Apps Community Language-exchange Online-Tool

2 1

Rebecca McKay over 10 years

CantoDict - Online Cantonese Dictionary

CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Language-learning Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Cantonese Dialects Dictionary Forum Online-Tool Web

2 0

mikelove over 10 years

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Lite - Android App on Google Play

UPDATE October 2024: This app has been discontinued now that Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro is free, so better to install that instead. This is the legacy version of Hanping Chinese Dictionary P... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

2 0

hanpingchinese over 10 years

A Comprehensive Guide to Euphemisms in Chinese and English (一步一个脚印)

This is a list of euphemisms in Chinese and English, sorted into 18 categories. It's probably not necessary to know how to say all these, but it's definitely useful to have heard them and understan... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Vocabulary Resource-highlights

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Olle Linge over 10 years

A Realistic Look at the Challenges of Reading Chinese (Sinosplice)

This article on Sinosplice discusses the question of how many characters you actually need to be able to read Chinese (no, the answer isn't 2,000). Of course, the main question is what you want to ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Information-and-Advice

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

常用國字標準字體筆順學習網 (Common Character Stroke Order Look-up and Training)

This site from Taiwan's Ministry of Education is the definitive resource for stroke order for anyone who is learning traditional characters. Select your search method from the top (單子查詢 for enterin... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Traditional-Characters Web

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

東東錯別字詞典:網上中文錯別字字典 (Chinese Spell-checker)

This site allows you to look up what words a character commonly occurs in and what possible problem there are, thus allowing you to answer question like when you should use 欲 and 慾 or 善 and 擅. It a... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Traditional-Characters Web

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Radical list with colloquial names

This list of radicals is mostly the same as any other list of radicals, but with the important exception that this also includes the colloquial names of the radicals. This is very useful when you w... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Sensible Chinese character learning revisited

In a way, learning Chinese characters is very much like learning vocabulary in any foreign language and much of the efficient methods developed there works well for Chinese as well. However, charac... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Writing Information-and-Advice

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Olle Linge almost 11 years


This document details an additional phase of character simplifications that was never implemented. It's still interesting to look at and whereas some simplifications make sense, others would have m... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Simplified-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Mnemonics for Pronouncing Chinese Characters

Serge Gorodish describes himself as "Mathematician, father, programmer, amateur linguist, cynic/idealist, and all-around nice guy" and has found a way to split pinyin syllables in components, which... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Pronunciation

2 0

Matthias almost 11 years

Earthly Branches (Sinoglot)

This article on Sinoglot describes the earthly branches, why they are useful and how to memorise them (using the fingers). Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Heavenly Stems (Sinoglot)

This article introduces the heavenly stems along with an interesting way to memorise them (using the fingers). It also deals briefly with why they are useful to know. The heavenly stems are quite u... Read more.


Advanced Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Tone Colors and What Pleco Did with Them (Laowai Chinese 老外中文)

This blog-post offers an introduction to the concept of coloured tones in Chinese learning software. Where do the colours come from? Why were they chosen? And what colours should you choose for you... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Pronunciation

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years


This site offers a reasonably comprehensive character dictionary that includes a few things most other dictionaries don't offer, such as etymology (with pictures) and a list of words a certain char... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Web

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Hanping Chinese Website

This is the website home of the Hanping Chinese Android apps. While the Android apps contain all the Chinese language-learning functionality, the website provides useful app showcasing, FAQs and ap... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary Mobile

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Business Chinese Vocabulary List: Foreign Companies in Chinese

Nice list of foreign companies names in China. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights

2 0

stefanwienert almost 11 years

Habit hacking for language learners

Forming language learning habits is a key ingredient in any successful recipe for mastering Chinese. This makes sure that we learn regularly and that it becomes a natural part of our lives, rather ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Information-and-Advice Productivity

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Mandarin Mosaic

Mandarin Mosaic is an app that focuses on learning new Chinese words through sentence mining. The app adapts to each learner's skill level, ensuring that sentences shown contain at most one new wor... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Android iOS Mobile News Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Karl about 2 months

Hanzi Popup - Chinese Popup Dictionary iOS Safari Extension

Effortlessly master Chinese while browsing! Hanzi Popup offers instant word definitions, pinyin, and zhuyin details for any Chinese words in Safari as extension. Hanzi Popup Safari Extension ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Reading Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Dictionary iOS Mobile

1 0

krmanik 2 months

YouGlish (look up pronunciation and usage among all YouTube videos)

YouGlish is a free tool that helps learners hear Chinese words and phrases in context through YouTube videos. It provides real-life examples of pronunciation, tone usage, and regional accents. By o... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Speaking Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Audio Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge 5 months

Chinese Stroke Order Dictionary - StrokeOrder.com

A good site for looking up stroke order (animations, printable sheets, downloadable pictures). Easy and simple! There are many similar sites, but this one collects most of the information you might... Read more.


Beginner Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Tools-and-Apps Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge 5 months

New HSK Vocabulary Lists (Audio Examples)

The audio-based New HSK vocabulary lists contain words of all levels (Band 1 - 9). Each word has a practical example so that you can not only understand the word’s meaning, but also learn its usage... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Vocabulary Resource-highlights Audio

1 0

Sabina 10 months

Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass - Master the Art of Learning Chinese Characters

Mastering Chinese characters, whether you find them enchantingly beautiful or overwhelmingly complex, is essential for literacy in Chinese. Outlier Linguistics will help you understand how the Chin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Information-and-Advice Audio Characters Handwriting Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

The Cozy Study

A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context General Language-learning Listening Reading Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Resource-highlights Tools-and-Apps Audio Blog Book Cantonese Game Literature Mobile Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters TV Web

1 0

花谢月令 about 1 year

Slow Chinese 每周漫闻

This is a newsletter for advanced students run by Andrew Methven. The free version includes a weekly newsletter with highlighted readings and some interesting vocabulary highlighted and discussed. ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Resource-collections News Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 1 year

edsko.net - Handwriting samples for the HSK curriculum

This site collects calligraphy references for HSK vocabulary. Most other resources for writing cursive script uses much less frequent characters and aren't suitable for second-language learners. If... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Writing Resource-highlights Characters

1 0

Olle Linge over 1 year

zi.tools 字統网

This website allows you to look up all sorts of things related to characters, including pronunciation in historical and regional varieties, components based on their pictographic origin, and much m... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Tools-and-Apps Characters Dictionary Web

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Olle Linge over 2 years

Chinese Character Counting

This is a simple and easy-to-use tool to quickly count the number of Chinese characters and number of unique characters (called "distinguishable characters" for some reason). It can add up several ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

HanziGraph (visual vocabulary relationships)

This website shows you how characters connect to each other to form words, which words characters appear in and also shows thin information in a visual graph (hence the name). There are some settin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese (Paul W. Kroll)

*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years


*The following introduction was written by John Renfroe and published here: [Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)](https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-classical-chinese-... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Classical-Chinese Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years