Hacking Chinese Resources

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257 resources found.

HiNative | A global platform for your questions

HiNative is a Q&A site where you can ask people all over the world about culture, language, anything. We support over 100 languages. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Social-learning Tools-and-Apps Community Language-exchange Online-Tool

2 1

Rebecca McKay over 10 years

The Phonology of Standard Chinese by Duanmu San (Review on Hacking Chinese)

Duanmu San's "The Phonology of Standard Chinese" is by far the best introduction to Mandarin phonology that I'm aware of. It's mostly useful for people who like phonology or are already at an advan... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice Book Pronunciation Research Review

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

新闻主页 - BBC中文网 (BBC Chinese website)

This is the Chinese website of the BBC, which contains large numbers of articles about news and current events. The articles are available in both simplified and traditional Chinese. However, I don... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections News Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Web

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Engadget (Chinese Edition)

Engadget is a multilingual technology blog network with daily coverage of gadgets and consumer electronics. This is the Chinese version, so anyone who is interested in tech will find lots of readin... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections News Science-and-technology Web

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Learn Chinese Through Movies: The Quick Guide

This guide contains some good suggestions for what to watch in Chinese, sorted by genre and with some introductory comments. It also contains a discussion of why to learn Chinese through movies. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Video

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

The three roads to mastering Chinese

Mastering a foreign language is a daunting task, especially a language as foreign as Chinese! In this article, I outline three possible roads that all lead towards mastery. They have in common that... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate General Living-in-Chinese Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

The Grand Listening Cycle: Improve your Chinese listening ability | Hacking Chinese

Learning to understand spoken Chinese is mostly a matter of practice and I've found that having fixed and regular routines helps a lot. This article introduces the grand listening cycle, which cont... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Information-and-Advice Audio

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Why good feedback matters and how to get it

Teachers give feedback in many different ways, some terribly bad, others very good. The bad ones let you struggle for hours just to correct your essay, not necessarily learning much on the way. The... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Writing Information-and-Advice Teaching

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

A Realistic Look at the Challenges of Reading Chinese (Sinosplice)

This article on Sinosplice discusses the question of how many characters you actually need to be able to read Chinese (no, the answer isn't 2,000). Of course, the main question is what you want to ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Vocabulary Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Chinese Version – How to search for Chinese language stuff online

There are a few ways that you can search for Mandarin language stuff online, and which method is best depends on what exactly you're looking for. In this post on Chinese Hacks, Dave talks about how... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Sensible Chinese character learning revisited

In a way, learning Chinese characters is very much like learning vocabulary in any foreign language and much of the efficient methods developed there works well for Chinese as well. However, charac... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Writing Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals

This site provides (among other things) interviews with Chinese professionals in different fields. They talk about a wide range of topics. Each interview consists of a relatively short video clip, ... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

乡音苑 Phonemica, a panorama of Chinese dialects, painted by speakers through their stories

From the about page: Phonemica is a crowd-sourced project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of varieties of Chinese. We believe that each language and dialect is a priceless... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Speaking Resource-collections Audio Cantonese Dialects Web

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Olle Linge almost 11 years

Mnemonics for Pronouncing Chinese Characters

Serge Gorodish describes himself as "Mathematician, father, programmer, amateur linguist, cynic/idealist, and all-around nice guy" and has found a way to split pinyin syllables in components, which... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Pronunciation

2 0

Matthias almost 11 years

The 5th Skill: Handwriting (Laowai Chinese 老外中文)

In this article, Albert Wolfe of Laowai Chinese talks about handwriting as the fifth skill. The four normal skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing, but he argues that in Chinese, handw... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Writing Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Tone Colors and What Pleco Did with Them (Laowai Chinese 老外中文)

This blog-post offers an introduction to the concept of coloured tones in Chinese learning software. Where do the colours come from? Why were they chosen? And what colours should you choose for you... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Pronunciation

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

"Learn Chinese" Resource Bank (by LaowaiChinese.net)

Tips, Tricks, Software, Websites and Lessons to make learning Chinese easier. This is basically an aggregator that collects blog-posts and new updates from a large variety of sites related to learn... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate General Resource-collections

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Pinyin Basics

This page describes the basics of how Pinyin works (i.e. how sounds are written, not necessarily how they are pronounced). It deals with problems such as when to add dots over u, false initials, om... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

A Cat That Barks (About looking Chinese without knowing the language)

This is a story about looking Chinese but not knowing how to speak Chinese. It's an eye-opener for people who don't look Chinese and study Chinese, but it might also be painfully familiar for stude... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Living-in-Chinese Information-and-Advice Video VPN-required

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Language Power Struggles

This article discusses the language power struggle that most learners are very familiar with. "Given a conscious choice between a number of languages to use for interaction, speakers will naturally... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice Expat

2 1

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Epoch Times Culture Web (大紀元文化網)

This site contains hundreds of stories and short essays suitable for intermediate and advanced learners. There's probably more than a thousand stories here, sorted by type (folk tale, idioms, fable... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan

This is a site where you can find theses and dissertations published in Taiwan. It's an excellent source if you want to find research about specific topics and improve your reading ability at the s... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Research Traditional-Characters

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Habit hacking for language learners

Forming language learning habits is a key ingredient in any successful recipe for mastering Chinese. This makes sure that we learn regularly and that it becomes a natural part of our lives, rather ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Information-and-Advice Productivity

2 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Chinese Stroke Order Dictionary - StrokeOrder.com

A good site for looking up stroke order (animations, printable sheets, downloadable pictures). Easy and simple! There are many similar sites, but this one collects most of the information you might... Read more.


Beginner Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Tools-and-Apps Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge 5 months

Dashu Mandarin Podcast

This is a great podcast if you want to listen to authentic conversations about a variety of topics. The official description is helpful: “We’re three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authen... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Resource-collections Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 6 months

HSK Grammar Exercises

Basic HSK grammar from beginner to advanced level. The best part is that in each lesson end, there is a quiz to test if you have really mastered the grammar. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Grammar Resource-collections Paid Web

1 1

Joshua 10 months

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin (podcast)

As the name implies, Learn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast for those who focus on Taiwanese Mandarin, but well worth checking out if you want to listen to different accents too (which you should). ... Read more.


Intermediate Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 10 months

MaoMi Chinese (intermediate podcast)

The MaoMi Chinese podcast is suitable for intermediate learners, offering mostly scripted monologues to improve your Chinese. The host is from Guangdong and is quite good at explaining more difficu... Read more.


Intermediate Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 10 months

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese

Convo Chinese is tailored for intermediate and advanced learners and dives into genuine Chinese dialogues spanning a wide range of topics from daily life to global politics. As the name implies, th... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Resource-collections Book

1 0

Olle Linge 11 months

自然而然说中文 Speak Chinese Naturally

This is a podcast about language and culture, featuring written content read aloud. The reason I don't recommend this as pure listening practice is because it's hard enough that if you can follow t... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 11 months

Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass - Master the Art of Learning Chinese Characters

Mastering Chinese characters, whether you find them enchantingly beautiful or overwhelmingly complex, is essential for literacy in Chinese. Outlier Linguistics will help you understand how the Chin... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Vocabulary Courses-and-textbooks Information-and-Advice Audio Characters Handwriting Paid Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

声动早咖啡 (daily business news podcast)

This podcast keeps you up-to-date with business news in short, daily episodes. It's a great way to both learn Chinese and stay current at the same time. The length of the episodes makes this podcas... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

铥铥科幻电波 - 未来事务管理局 (science fiction podcast)

This podcast focuses on science fiction in all its forms, from classic works of Western science fiction literature to modern Chinese TV series. Episodes typically focus on specific books, films or ... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

半拿铁 | 商业沉浮录 (Business story podcast)

This podcast focuses on business-related stories, usually about famous business people or the history of big companies. The two hosts take turns researching a project and then tell the other person... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Olle Linge 12 months

The Cozy Study

A blog written and managed by an advanced Chinese featuring reviews of books, TV dramas and games. Additionally, the blog also features recommendations for utilising media in Chinese language learn... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context General Language-learning Listening Reading Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Resource-highlights Tools-and-Apps Audio Blog Book Cantonese Game Literature Mobile Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters TV Web

1 0

花谢月令 about 1 year

Slow Chinese 每周漫闻

This is a newsletter for advanced students run by Andrew Methven. The free version includes a weekly newsletter with highlighted readings and some interesting vocabulary highlighted and discussed. ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Resource-collections News Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 1 year

mylingua (personalised news feed in Chinese)

Mylingua is a new platform that allows you to access authentic Chinese reading content from the internet, helping you pick reading material that both suits your interests and your reading ability. ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Tools-and-Apps News Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 1 year

可爱的文子是米糕 (Audiobook versions of translated science fiction and fantasy on Bilibili)

This person on YouTube records audiobook versions of translated science fiction and fantasy works. I have so far listened to two complete novels and think he's pretty good at what he's doing, so it... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 1 year

Chinese Podcast With Shenglan

Quoted from the website: "Chinese Podcast With Shenglan, a podcast where we talk about language learning, Chinese culture and society, is created for intermediate Chinese learners. These episode... Read more.


Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast Web

1 0

Akobato over 1 year

JinbuPal Chinese Media Library

A free resource from JinbuPal with hundreds of categorized YouTube channel, movie, TV show, podcast, and online reading resource recommendations. Each resource is tagged with helpful information so... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Reading Resource-collections Audio Online-Tool TV Video

1 0

Mike Kennedy about 2 years

ChineseForUs (YouTube)

ChineseForUs offers a large number of free videos on YouTube. The most basic lessons are much like other lessons found on YouTube, but if you skip to HSK 2 or so, there’s a surprising amount of Chi... Read more.


Beginner Listening Reading Courses-and-textbooks Resource-collections Audio Video Web

1 0

Olle Linge about 2 years

zi.tools 字統网

This website allows you to look up all sorts of things related to characters, including pronunciation in historical and regional varieties, components based on their pictographic origin, and much m... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Tools-and-Apps Characters Dictionary Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

Slow & Clear Chinese (YouTube)

Slow and Clear Chinese offers beginner-friendly listening practice without using any English. They are able to do this even for absolute beginners by using gestures, images, body language and props... Read more.


Beginner Listening Resource-collections Video

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

Seeing Speech (articulation visualised through MRI and UTI scans)

This is a unique resource that shows how most common speech sounds are actually produced. Most other resources use animations and diagrams, but this is the frist I see which show actual MRI scans. ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice Pronunciation Research Video

1 0

Olle Linge over 2 years

Chillchat Podcast

From the website: "Chillchat is a podcast made specifically for Chinese language learning, to create immersion of the language for Chinese learners while covering useful content." During the po... Read more.


Intermediate Chinese-in-context Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

1 0

Jennifer almost 3 years

Learning and teaching resources from the Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (University of Oxford)

This website contains a large number of resources for learning and teaching Chinese, including introductions to the spoken and written language, characters, grammar and pronunciation. They also pro... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate General Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

Learning Classical Chinese is for everyone (no, seriously!)

Classical Chinese is something all learners will encounter, whether it's because it's part of a course you take, because you've started learning formal, written Chinese or simply because you want t... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Classical-Chinese

1 0

Olle Linge almost 3 years

小故事 – 故事大全 (Online short stories and other texts)

This site hosts a very large number of short stories and other texts, sorted into different categories. These are of course written by native speakers for native speakers, but the reduced length ma... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Literature Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

百度百科 (Internet encypclopedia)

百度百科 is a collaborative encyclopedia that covers a huge range of topics, sometimes with surprising quality, even including video and in-depth discussions of topics. When searching for various thing... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Simplified-Characters Text Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

十万个为什么 (10why.net)

This site is provided by 科普中国, and as the name implies, it answers why questions about everything from aliens to economics. The articles are of varying length and while there aren’t literally 10,00... Read more.


Advanced Reading Resource-collections Science-and-technology Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

Chinese at Ease

Chinese at East has around 60 texts available for free for beginners and intermediate learners. Compared to other resources, the interface is not very fancy and only consists of Chinese characters,... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Simplified-Characters Text Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

M Mandarin (漫中文)

This is an app for iOS and Android which has a lot of content, much of it in the form of comics. You can also find the text for each comic separately, but not all the content is free. It’s a little... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Tools-and-Apps Android iOS Mobile Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

Chinese Reading and Comprehension (HSKreading.com)

This website contains around more than a hundred short texts for beginners and intermediate learners, many of them related to China or Chinese culture. While the levels aren't very accurate (most t... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Reading Resource-collections Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years

Mandarin Bean: Learn and Practice Chinese

Mandarin Bean offers a large number of texts for beginner and intermediate students that come with a recording, Pinyin you can toggle on and off, as well as a pop-up dictionary that shows you meani... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections Audio Simplified-Characters

1 0

Olle Linge almost 4 years