Hacking Chinese Resources
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3 resources found.
Ninchanese | Efficient and enjoyable Chinese learning
Ninchanese is a complete way to learn Chinese. Its online course allows you to learn and practice how to read, write, speak and understand Chinese in an enjoyable manner. It combines game mechanics... Read more.

Sarah – almost 9 years
Pinyin Tone Tool (Toshuō)
This pinyin converter turns pinyin with numbers into pinyin with tone marks. Enter pinyin followed by numbers 1-4 represent the Chinese tones. For neutral tone words, either type 5 or no number. Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Chinese Computing Information (input methods, fonts, browsers, coding)
This is a comprehensive introduction to the world of digital Chinese, including the following: Script Basics Activate Keyboards for Typing Browser Recommendations Web Developm... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years