Hacking Chinese Resources
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257 resources found.
University of Leeds: Internet Word Frequencies
This frequency list is based on the Leeds corpus of internet Chinese (90 million tokens from 2005). Simplified characters with no frills. You can [search the corpus directly online](http://corpus.l... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 5 years
BLCU balanced corpus frequency lists
These lists are based on a ridiculous 15 billion (simplified) character corpus, composed of news, literature, blogs and much more. It is probably the biggest, most comprehensive dataset available. ... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 5 years
K-5 Word Frequency Dictionary for Chinese L2 Learners
This list is somewhat unique in that it draws on materials for people who learn Chinese as a second language, i.e. textbooks, graded readers and so on (read more about the methodology [here](http:/... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 5 years
Teach Yourself Mandarin Blog
All the information you need to know in order to be able to teach yourself Mandarin from scratch with several resources. Read more.

TeachYourselfMandarin – almost 6 years
Chinese Vocabulary Profiler (Chinese Text Computing)
This website offers many tools related to vocabulary frequency analysis, some of which are also useful for teachers and students. This particular tool, Chinese Vocabulary Profiler, helps you analys... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 6 years
Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context. Great post-Duolingo app and useful for language learners of all levels. Free to sign up and play! Ch... Read more.

Foxears – almost 7 years
ChineseMe is the most integrated Mandarin course, designed for motivated learners who have decided to become fluent. It is an interactive textbook that adapts itself to your interests. The course i... Read more.

Tim – almost 7 years
Another SRS App with word database with associated pictures ("Leitner" method) Read more.

stefanwienert – almost 7 years
CHDICT Chinese-Hungarian dictionary
Open-source, community edited Chinese-Hungarian dictionary • 11,000 headwords • Handwriting recognition • Stroke order animations Read more.

hanpingchinese – almost 8 years
@HanpingChengyu Twitter account (animated Chinese Idiom per day)
Follow this Twitter account to get a new animated Chinese Idiom (Chengyu) in your Twitter feed every day. Characters are Simplified Chinese, pronunciation is Pinyin (coloring is [Hanping's](http://... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 8 years
GoEast Language Centers (Blog, online/offline lessons)
This is a blog about China, Chinese culture, and language (including grammar and studying tips) which belongs to GoEast Language Centers. Browsing blog posts reveal some interesting topics, such as... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 8 years
How to Learn Chinese (free e-book from LTL Mandarin School)
This is a free e-book with a collection of articles about how to learn Chinese, to which I have contributed one chapter about listening ability. This is a good collection overall with contributions... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 8 years
Mandarin Friend 中文朋友 (explorations in Chinese grammar and vocabulary)
This blog provides in-depth explanations of some grammar and vocabulary topics in Mandarin Chinese. While there aren't a huge number of articles so far, there are enough to issue a general recommen... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 9 years
The Open Languages Project (learning Chinese character-by-character)
This is a character-by-character beginner course in Chinese, provided free of charge at the Open Languages Project. It teaches you to read (and listen to) Chinese by explaining and introducing one ... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
Talking Chinese–English–Chinese Phrasebook app from Paiboon Publishing and Word in the Hand
This is a fairly extensive phrasebook with some added extras. It has over 12,000 words, phrases and complete sentences in more than 250 categories. This app is meant for beginners, but works well f... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
普通话异读词审音表 (List of variant character pronunciations, mainland standard)
This page lists variant pronunciations and their standard readings in Mandarin Chinese (Mainland Standard). It does not list characters that have different readings based on different meanings, so ... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
Foreigncy (Mandarin)
Foreigncy has nearly 300 free Mandarin language training sets that help improve your media vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening skills while raising your awareness of regional events. T... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Names of the chemical elements in Chinese (Victor Mair, Language Log)
This blog post contains both a list of most of the elements in the periodic table in both Chinese and English, but more importantly, it contains a discussion about the characters used to represent ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Practical Mandarin (Chinese Lessons in London)
A London-based school that takes their Mandarin courses to the next level - integrating technology (bespoke Phone Flashcards) and HSK test planning into their courses from Beginner, Intermediate to... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Second round of simplified Chinese characters (Wikipedia)
This is an article about the second round of character simplifications that didn't succeed, although some of the characters are still in use. The main difference between this round and the previous... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
健身常用英語單詞 (Gym vocabulary in English and Chinese)
This resource is meant for Chinese people who want to learn gym vocabulary in English, but it works even better for speakers of English who want to learn Chinese. Each vocabulary is translated from... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Fun Chinese Mandarin Lessons for Everyone - ChineseSkill
Official description: ChineseSkill apps help you learn Chinese Mandarin from zero for free. Interactive, structured and thorough, ChineseSkill combines the fun of games and depth of textbooks into ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Tandem (language exchange app)
This app allows you to connect with native speakers of different languages around the world, and might be a good alternative, especially for people who don't live in China or don't have lots of Chi... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
New Concept Mandarin (Chinese Course Online)
From their website (if you have personal experience of their courses, please leave a comment): New Concept Mandarin specializes in teaching Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) as a second language. Act... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Their own introduction: Learn Chinese online at eChineseLearning.com – a premier online Chinese language school in the world. Students can learn Chinese online via Skype through 1-on-1 lessons w... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Hanbridgemandarin.com (online and campus courses)
Hanbridge Mandarin provides campus-based courses, online classes, and intensive cultural immersion programs. I don't know anyone who has attended any of their classes personally, but they cover the... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 10 years
Culture Alley Mandarin
This site offers basics, self-paced lessons where you can learn basic vocabulary and grammar (usually with audio as well). There are also Skype lessons and other more interactive parts of the site ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Unlock Your Brain (app that quizzes you to unlock your phone, supports Chinese)
This app encourages you to learn Chinese each time you unlock your phone's screen. This is how the creator's described it to me: Unlock Your Brain now offers seven different languages in the app... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Chinese Tutor - Flashcards, Dictionary, Speaking Practice
Online Chinese flashcards that adapt to your learning, Chinese speaking practice using voice recognition, and a simple, fast Chinese-English dictionary. Read more.

ChineseTutor – over 10 years
Living a Dream in China - Advice for life, love and language learning in China
I find it very hard to classify this blog because it contains a little bit of everything. This is how Sara's describes her own blog: "Finnish girl living in China offering advice for life, love ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Three ways to improve the way you review Chinese characters
In this article, I discuss three things you can do to improve the way you review characters, mainly focusing on avoiding rote learning, time quality and making sure your study method really prepare... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Transcription into Chinese characters (Wikipedia)
Have you ever wondered how names from other languages are transliterated into Chinese? There is actually a reference table where you can see how different sounds are translated into Chinese charact... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
On the Character 革 (The World of Chinese)
The evolution of meanings behind the Chinese character 革, from the ancient meaning related to 'hunting', to it's main meaning of “to change”, and 'transformation', with an oftentimes usage on the t... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
On the character 性 (The World of Chinese)
When it comes to the Chinese word for sex, or 性(Xìng), avoid it in daily speech like you are a proper “sir” from the Victoria era. Defenders of decency might be disappointed to learn the original m... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Pinyin sort order (Pinyin News)
Ever wondered how words are sorted in Pinyin? Well, alphabetically is the first answer, but what about diacritic marks? What about tones? Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
The Year of the Horse Chengyu (Sinosplice)
This post is about 马到成功, one of the idioms used to wish someone success in the year of the horse (it has other uses as well). John Pasden explains what it means and how to use it (and some things a... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Flashcard overflow: About card models and review directions
The question of how to design flashcards is faced by all learners who use them. What should you put on the front? What should you put on the back? Should you add single characters or whole words? O... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
How to Describe Medical Symptoms in Chinese (一步一个脚印)
In this blog post, Carl Gene Fordham goes through a long list of ways of describing different ailments and illnesses in Chinese. This is excellent if you happen to fall ill in China, but it's also ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Jason D. Patent on "An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics" by Perry Link
This is a review of Perry Link's book about Chinese. This passage sums it up pretty well, and although I haven't read the book (yet), it's high on my list of books to get my hands on: "In writin... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
ShaoLan: Learn to read Chinese ... with ease!
For foreigners, learning to speak Chinese is a hard task. But learning to read the beautiful, often complex characters of the Chinese written language may be less difficult. ShaoLan walks through a... Read more.

Zoe – almost 11 years