Vocabulary challenge, October 2020

This is a vocabulary challenge (characters and words). Please read the attached article for information and inspiration!

Recent activities

67 minutes

476 reviews and learned missing vocab from HSK 1-3 to complement the vocabulary I learned for TOCFL. That's it, gonna call it a day for now. See you at the reading challange :)

Saturday, Oct 31

33 minutes

26 min Skritter (215 reviews), 7 min Anki, (60 reviews, down to 0). Good last day of the challenge. With consistency, I could see myself getting my Skritter queue down to zero in the next month or ...

Saturday, Oct 31

Michael Prokopchuk
15 minutes


Saturday, Oct 31

15 minutes

Saturday, Oct 31

71 minutes

377 reviews. Today I am a bit sick so reviewing is really slow and exhausting. I also forgot the meaning of some of the components so I had to decompose them again to really understand some of the ...

Saturday, Oct 31

75 minutes

Three pomodoro sessions this morning to ensure I spent ample time focused on vocabulary. Cleared queue. Studied some new characters from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級)and did a testing activity on all the new vocabu...

Saturday, Oct 31

40 minutes

Daily Chinese + Pleco 复习 session

Saturday, Oct 31

Jorrit van der Heide
110 minutes

Sad to see that the challange is ending! Nonetheless, I think my new studying habits might actually stick. This session I cleared my Anki and Skritter due cards, spent some extra time looking for m...

Saturday, Oct 31

