Hacking Chinese Resources
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543 resources found.
Hacking Chinese: A Practical Guide to Learning Mandarin (video/Audio/Text course)
Through video, text and audio, this course helps you become a better language learner. It also explains many Chinese-specific learning strategies necessary to avoid wasting lots of time or missing ... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
國語一字多音審訂表 (List of variant character pronunciations, Taiwan standard)
This is a very large list of traditional characters with multiple pronunciations in the form of an Excel file (the other two files are announcements about the list in Chinese). The first sheet just... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
普通话异读词审音表 (List of variant character pronunciations, mainland standard)
This page lists variant pronunciations and their standard readings in Mandarin Chinese (Mainland Standard). It does not list characters that have different readings based on different meanings, so ... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
HanDeDict - Chinesisch-deutsches Wörterbuch
HanDeDict is an open-source, collaboratively edited Chinese-German dictionary, licensed under Create Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0 DE). It started out as a translation of the CEDICT Chinese-English diction... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
Foreigncy (Mandarin)
Foreigncy has nearly 300 free Mandarin language training sets that help improve your media vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening skills while raising your awareness of regional events. T... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
CC-Canto - Open-source online Cantonese-English dictionary (Pleco)
Website for Pleco's new free, open-source Cantonese-English dictionary CC-Canto, with 20,000 dedicated Cantonese-English entries plus another 110,000 entries from CC-CEDICT to which we've added hum... Read more.

mikelove – over 9 years
Is it necessary to learn to write Chinese characters by hand? (Hacking Chinese)
Written Chinese characters are regarded by some as the true essence of Chinese; without learning to write by hand, you're not learning Chinese. Others go to extremes in the other direction, claimin... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Pinyin Tone Tool (Toshuō)
This pinyin converter turns pinyin with numbers into pinyin with tone marks. Enter pinyin followed by numbers 1-4 represent the Chinese tones. For neutral tone words, either type 5 or no number. Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Live the Language (Chinese Language School)
Self introduction: LTL Mandarin School offers Chinese language courses in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengde. The immersion courses are perfect for those who want to learn the language quickly and re... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Mandarin Weekly (每周中文)
A free, once–weekly e-mail newsletter for students and teachers of Mandarin Chinese. It provides a great overview of what has been posted recently on numerous blogs, forums and other websites. Prob... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Those Chinese characters that are really easy to get mixed up (Fluent in Mandarin)
This is blog post listing easily confused characters. It's very helpful to see these next to each other since they are hard to keep separate if you only see them one by one. The selection is based ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
PolyglotGamedev (Gaming vocabulary)
This is a very, very large document with thousands of translated gaming terms in 25 languages, including both simplified and traditional Chinese. It can be useful for learners who want to brush the... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Master Mandarin: The Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Chinese the Fun Way - Language Mastery
You don’t need to spend thousands on classes. You don’t need boring textbooks. You don’t need to be good at languages. And you don’t have to move to China or Taiwan (though that’s great if you can)... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 9 years
Speak Mandarin in 1000 words
This is a complete course with 100 lessons covering 1000 words. Each lesson contains video, text, vocabulary, grammar, exercises and much more. The course only covers traditional characters, but it... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Hiway (English-Chinese Language Exchange Community)
Hiway is an app for iOS that puts you in contact with native speakers and help you learn through real communication with friends and teachers: - Chat with your friends, click on words, and add t... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Chinese Calligraphy Fonts (Calligraphy Archives)
This site offers numerous Chinese calligraphy fonts, some of which are very close to what handwritten Chinese looks like. If you find it hard to understand what other people are writing on paper, p... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Learn Chinese Grammar Online
This site offers grammar lessons for free, divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced (although none are actually advanced). They offer lots of good examples for each pattern, which is great.... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Chinese Podcasts (collection of reviews and links)
Exploring and reviewing all the Chinese podcasts available; learn Chinese podcasts, Chinese language podcasts, English podcasts about China. The aim of this site is to explore the Chinese podcasts ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Hanping Chinese Popup
The ultimate solution for quickly looking up Chinese words on your smartphone or tablet, no matter what app (or system screens) you are using. Note: For Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher. Whe... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 9 years
Language learning through Video (FluentU)
FluentU offers authentic as well as learner-oriented videos for learning Chinese. A neat interface allows you to use an excellent pop-up dictionary and other useful features to watch and learn from... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
How to Memorize China's Major Dynasties by singing (Harvard University)
A simple and easy to learn song to memorize China's major dynasties! Created for students of Chinese history at Harvard. Read more.
lazylink – over 9 years
Glossika (mass sentences and spaced repetation audio lessons)
Glossika offers an audio method that consists of hundreds of bilingual sentences read by native speakers. They are selected to be natural-sounding and very common sentences and structured to build ... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
LingQ (Online-Learnign Platform)
LingQ is an online learning platform for different languages including Chinese. You can practice reading, writing, listening and you vocabulary in general. It features an online-community with na... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
HSK Graphs (great infographics)
Beautiful graphs/charts that show the relationships between characters in the new HSK word lists. Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
Analyse Your 汉字 (Chinese Vocabulary and Text Analysis)
You can input Charakters and this tool will output statistics about the words and characters, and can suggest high frequency words and characters that should be learned. It also analyses the HSK le... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
Shanka 闪卡 Flashcards Web App (Handwriting Chinese - BETA)
Shanka 闪卡 Flashcards Web App, is a free online tool that allows you to practice your handwriting. More Information can be found here: http://www.hskhsk.com/shanka.html Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
HSChinese (customized online learning with lessons and exams)
HanSheng Chinese is an online learning platform for chinese with customized courses. It features Listening, Reading and Writing practices as well as a test for you proficiency-level and exams to... Read more.

lazylink – over 9 years
Chinese for Beginners (Coursera & Peking University)
This is a course offered by Peking University and Coursera. It's free to use, but you need to register (you can preview it before you register, though). There are six units, each taking roughly one... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Easy ways to have Chinese conversations in China (Chinese Forums)
This entire thread contains excellent suggestions for how to have good conversations for language practice in China, even if you're an introvert learner. I have tried several of these myself, not b... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Hacking Chinese Challenges (monthly language challenges)
The concept is simple. Each month, there is a challenge focusing on one particular area of learning Chinese, where you strive to reach your goal and/or beat your friends. The challenges are very st... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Iteration marks in Chinese (Wikipedia)
Have you ever wondered what a small 二 or weird symbols that look like 〻 or 々 mean in Chinese handwriting? These aren't characters you normally find in printed books, but they do exist in handwritin... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Practise asking directions and navigating through a city (WordSwing)
Ever feel lost when trying to listen to navigation directions? Well, all you need is more practice. In this activity you listen to step-by-step directions, and at each step you must select the r... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Names of the chemical elements in Chinese (Victor Mair, Language Log)
This blog post contains both a list of most of the elements in the periodic table in both Chinese and English, but more importantly, it contains a discussion about the characters used to represent ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
How to find more time learning a language
In this article, I discuss the main problem for most language learners: how to find the time to learn. It doesn't matter how good your method is if you don't use it, anything multiplied by zero is ... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
The Chairman's Bao (simplified news for language learners)
The Chairman's Bao offers news in Chinese, written for language learners sorted by HSK level. Each news article comes with text and audio. There's also a live dictionary which you need to sign-up t... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Speaky (Language exchange community)
Speaky is a social network and language exchange website to learn languages by practicing with native speakers. The website has been live for only six months, but the community is growing really fa... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Practical Mandarin (Chinese Lessons in London)
A London-based school that takes their Mandarin courses to the next level - integrating technology (bespoke Phone Flashcards) and HSK test planning into their courses from Beginner, Intermediate to... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Chinese Pronunciation Wiki (AllSet Learning)
This newly launched site offers basic information about pronunciation, mostly things that should be in all beginner courses and textbooks but seldom are. Currently, the content is fairly limited, b... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Outlier Linguistic Solutions (blog about etymology and characters)
Outlier Linguistics hosts an excellent blog with a large number of insightful articles into Chinese characters. Some of them are directly useful because they talk about learning characters, others ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Second round of simplified Chinese characters (Wikipedia)
This is an article about the second round of character simplifications that didn't succeed, although some of the characters are still in use. The main difference between this round and the previous... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Starcraft 2 Mandarin (all unit voices in Chinese, YouTube)
This is a YouTube channel that contains all (?) audio from the units in the Chinese version of StarCraft 2. First, I think it's pretty cool that they've translated so thoroughly and such a large vo... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
草书字体转换器 (Cursive font converter)
This is an awesome site where you can convert any text in simplified Chinese to various cursive fonts. Excellent for learning to read cursive handwriting or just producing pictures of characters th... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
健身常用英語單詞 (Gym vocabulary in English and Chinese)
This resource is meant for Chinese people who want to learn gym vocabulary in English, but it works even better for speakers of English who want to learn Chinese. Each vocabulary is translated from... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
The new paperless revolution in Chinese reading
This is an article by David Moser about the incredible changes the digital age has brought to learners of Chinese all over the world. After providing a background for those who started learning Chi... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
新华网 – Xinhua Headlines Bilingual Zone
Xinhua bilingual zone brings you news stories in both English and Simplified Chinese from around China and world Read more.

Sebastian Rasmussen – almost 10 years
Chinese character stroke order rules (Understanding Chinese Characters on YouTube)
This is a basic video demonstration of the stroke order rules for writing Chinese characters. It's short and if you find something lacking, your question may have already been answered in the comme... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Culturelab (watch Chinese film, TV and music with subtitles and a pop-up dictionary)
This is a new site that offers Chinese television, film and music videos with the subtitles and a pop-up dictionary. This lowers the barrier for anyone who wants to approach real Chinese. The site ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
A Radical View (radicals neatly grouped by theme from gotCharacters)
A neat overview of most of the radicals, grouped by meaning. Sold as a poster too! Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Bigram frequencies and mutual information in Modern Chinese (Chinese Text Computing)
This tool gives you the most common bigrams found in news language or general fiction (choose which one). Note that a bigram isn't necessarily a word. For instance, 一个 isn't a word, but it's a very... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Pinyin Joe's Chinese Computing Help Desk (Windows, Ubuntu Linux, smartphones, macros and more)
User-friendly advice on MS Windows, Ubuntu Linux and smartphone Chinese setup, Chinese input methods (IME), Chinese fonts and Chinese Language Packs (MUIs), plus free downloads for MS Office, a sur... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
VoA bilingual news (英语教学 双语新闻)
This site presents news in both Chinese (simplified) and English. It's targeted at Chinese people learning English, but that matters little, parallel texts are awesome learning resources regardless... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
纯文学网站 PurePen.com (online versions of 红楼梦, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记 and 金瓶梅)
As the title implies, this site offers these great classics in an online and easily accessible version, perfect to copy into your preferred document reader or use online with a good dictionary. Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
KTdict: iPhone and iPad dictionary for Chinese learners
This is a dictionary app for iOS that apart from the dictionary itself also offers a document reader (with pop-up translations), OCR (optical character reading) and flashcards. It comes in a paid a... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Chinese Converter (convert between Pinyin/Zhuyin, traditional/simplified, tone/number, text/image)
This is an awesome site with various conversion tools, including: * Simplified-Traditional convert * Chinese text to image * Most Recent Chinese Images * Pinyin convert * Zhuyin tool * Unic... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years