Hacking Chinese Resources

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221 resources found.

Chinese Tutor - Flashcards, Dictionary, Speaking Practice

Online Chinese flashcards that adapt to your learning, Chinese speaking practice using voice recognition, and a simple, fast Chinese-English dictionary. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Speaking Vocabulary Tools-and-Apps Characters Chrome Dictionary Game Online-Tool Paid Pronunciation Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Web

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ChineseTutor over 10 years

Chinese is Easy! Ep1 - Chinese Tones

This video is produced by Hutong School and explains the very basics of Chinese tones, suitable for the complete beginner or those that are thinking about learning Chinese and want to know a little... Read more.


Beginner Speaking Resource-highlights Audio Pronunciation Video VPN-required

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Olle Linge over 10 years

2014-03-13锵锵三人行 窦文涛:内地医患缺乏沟通滋生信任危机

钟南山坚持认为,最终打开医患之间心结的还应当是真正深化医疗体制改革,让公立医院回归公益。钟南山说,伤害、杀害事件主要在大医院。主要解决这个问题,关键在解决公立医院真正的公益性。医改公立医院的公益性体现在哪,他的改革方向是应该向更好的公益性发展,要着力改善大医院的公益性,首先就表现在对医务人员的工资,是国家给的,而不要靠自己去想办法。有了这个的话,医生就不用着去考虑药的问题,甚至有很多五花八门... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio News

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Olle Linge over 10 years

2014-03-11 锵锵三人行 梁文道:马航飞机无端失联 让人心悬

A discussion about the recent disappearance of the Malaysia Airways flight. 锵锵三人行 is one of my favourite programs, always good content and the host is awesome. There are transcripts available, too. Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio News Video

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Olle Linge over 10 years

Visual Chinese Search

A search tool for finding visually similar Chinese characters. Input a Chinese character and see a list of other characters that look roughly the same. The tool also offers character decomposition ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Writing Tools-and-Apps Characters Online-Tool Simplified-Characters Web

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Kevin Bullaughey about 7 years